Tuesday 18 November 2014

Make your choice!

               Make your choice              

A rather small percentage of people are aware of a precious secret-WE HAVE A CHOICE.The choice between happiness and pain,love and fear,success and failure.But try telling this to someone in plain words,and they will probably deem you a spiritual loner who's full of crap.They will come up with a thousand things that have apparently shaped their life-luck,family background,a cheating partner and whatnot.What clouds their vision?It the greatest curse that mankind was born with-ego.
Animals don't have that.People do.
Everything you are today,in whichever place,with whatever emotions and thoughts-you are that only because of yourself.Nobody and nothing else.You have always had a choice,but you let your ego make that for you.
When you let go of your ego,you become like water.You become like a mould of clay,ready to become anyone you want.This is redemption.A person without ego,has this power of choice.The choice between happiness and pain,love and fear,success and failure.The choice between being hurt or letting go.
There is nothing new that a dharmguru or a "spiritual advisor" can tell you.It's the same thing our teachers,parents,songs and old proverbs try to tell us.It's true!When i was a kid,my father gave me all sorts of gyaan.But being the know-it-all teenager,i never tried to understand.I did get saved from being a hateful negative person,but i know how hard my crazy friends and God pulled me back from an impending doom.If i had listened to my teachers and parents in the first place,life would have been a lot less bumpy.It all comes down to you.If you had CHOSEN to listen to what you are taught by experiences in life,you would be in a better place.That's what we live for,isn't it?To see ourselves in a better place tomorrow.
Listen to your heart,your conscience.You don't need religious books and gurus.There is nothing that they can teach you what life hasn't already taught you.The knowledge,the wisdom-everything is inside.TAKE your inner voice seriously,and everything out there in the world is meant to be taken frivolously.
You can become exactly what you dream to,but you have to let go of the ego.And to understand the meaning of ego,follow your heart.Let go of emotions,negativity,anger and judgements.Imagine yourself in the shoes of the one you hate or judge.Sacrifice your happiness for someone else's.Give,work,love and expect nothing back.You will get what you deserve.

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